In the Media
March 20, 2025, As It Happens with Nil Köksal, Chris Howden, CBC, interviewing Kenneth Stern (at 51:53)
March 20, 2025, Weaponizing antisemitism makes students ‘less safe,’ says drafter of definition, Kenneth Stern interviewed on NPR Morning Edition
March 10, 2025, Protests Should Be Allowed, Absent Harassing, Intimidating, Bullying, Assaulting: Analyst, Kenneth Stern on NTD Daily
February 17, 2025, Supercharged since October 7
Ken Stern on Antisemitism and Campus Conflicts over Israel/Palestine, Banished podcast
January 28, 2025, Critics Denounce Harvard’s Decision to Adopt Controversial Definition of Antisemitism, Johanna Alonso, Inside Higher Ed
January 22, 2025, To settle lawsuits, Harvard says it will use debated definition of antisemitism, Abby Patkin,
January 21, 2025, To settle lawsuits, Harvard says it will use debated definition of antisemitism, Hillary Burns and Mike Damiano, Boston Globe
January 21, 2025, Harvard Adopts a Definition of Antisemitism for Discipline Cases, Vimal Patel, New York Times
January 20, 2025, Hopes and Fears: Higher Ed Leaders Sound Off on Trump’s Return to Power, Inside Higher Ed
December 14, 2024, ‘A chilling effect’: Conduct guidelines cast shadow of concern over faculty, Washington Square News, Hope Pisoni
December 10, 2024, Cancel Culture, Censorship, Boycotts And The Israel/Palestine Conflict, The Pensive Quill, Anthony McIntyre
December 10, 2024, Bill to combat campus antisemitism stalled in Senate, The College Fix, Morgan Kromer
December 10, 2024, Will Trump’s Threats to Defund Colleges Over ‘Antisemitic Propaganda’ Become a Reality?, Inside Higher Ed, Joanna Alonso
October 28, 2024, ‘Profoundly Disturbing’: U.S. Jews Sound Alarm on Ugly Immigration Discourse Ahead of Election, Haaretz, Emily Tankin
October 11, 2024, How do we deal with hatred, Kimberly Atkins Stohr podcast, Justice By Design
October 7, 2024, Oct. 7 Kicked Off a Difficult Year for Higher Ed. How Should Universities Move Forward Now? Inside Higher Ed
September 18, 2024, Special Report: Yesterday’s Hearing on Defining and Fighting Antisemitism, Steve Sheffey
September 18, 2024, In contentious Senate hearing, divisions over how to fight antisemitism come to the fore of Israel, JTA, Ron Kampeas
September 17, 2024, Oral Testimony of Kenneth Stern before Senate Judiciary Committee
September 17, 2024, Written Testimony of Kenneth Stern before Senate Judiciary Committee
August 16, 2024, Anticipating Fall Protests, Colleges Adopt a Range of Approaches, Inside Higher Ed, Johanna Alonso
July 8, 2024, A Wall Street Law Firm Wants to Define Consequences of Anti-Israel Protests, The New York Times, Emily Flitter
June 27, 2024, Higher Ed Has Questions for Biden and Trump, Inside Higher Ed, Bob Moser
June 20, 2024, One chant increases the fears of both Jewish and Muslim students, The Third Narrative, Dan Flesher
May 16, 2024, Washington is pushing policies to combat antisemitism. Critics say they could violate free speech, Guardian, Lauren Gambino
May 11, 2024, AYMAN (MSNBC) interviews BCSH director Kenneth Stern
May 8, 2024, College students on divisions over Israel, safety and what is considered free speech, PBS NewsHour
May 8, 2024, “Antisemitism” vs. “Anti-Semitism”: The Style Debate Is Settled, But the Hate and Harm Are Rising, Mother Jones, Daniel King
May 7, 2024, Biden to condemn antisemitism, praise free speech at Holocaust remembrance, Reuters, Trevor Hunnicutt and James Oliphant
May 6, 2024, Senators Need to Stop the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, NY Times, Michelle Goldberg
May 3, 2024, What the ‘Antisemitism Awareness’ Bill Could Mean for Higher Ed, Inside Higher Ed, Katherine Knott
May 1, 2024, He Helped Define “Antisemitism”; Now He Says the Term Is Being Weaponized | Amanpour and Company (interview with BCSH director Kenneth Stern)
April 24, 2024, CBS Morning News, Tensions Rising on College Campuses as Students Express Anger over War in Gaza
April 8, 2024, The Conflict over The Conflict, Penn Today, Erica Moser
March 27, 2024, Colleges Use His Antisemitism Definition to Censor. He Calls It a ‘Travesty.’ Chronicle of Higher Education, Maggie Hicks
March 13, 2024, Persons of Interest: The Problem with Defining Antisemitism Kenneth Stern helped write a definition now endorsed by more than forty countries. Why does he believe it’s causing harm?, The New Yorker, Eyal Press
March 12, 2024, Columbia president weighs new limits on protests after months of unrest on campus, Gothamist, Ramsey Khalifeh
March 8, 2024, Jewish, Muslim Students Fear Their Views Put Them in Danger, Inside Higher Ed, Sara Weissman
March 3, 2024, Blurring the line between criticism and bigotry fuels hatred of Muslims and Jews, The Guardian, Ken Malik
February 21, 2024, Superintendents in Boston’s suburbs confront claims that DEI programs are antisemitic, WGHB Boston
February 16, 2024, Kenneth Stern on Israel/Palestine Conflict, Sofia Lichterfeld, Winsor School The Banner
February 15, 2024, I wrote a definition of antisemitism. It was never meant to chill free speech on campus. Kenneth Stern, Boston Globe
January 29, 2024, There’s a Wave of New Bills to Define Antisemitism. in These 3 States, They Could Become Law, Associated Press
January 27, 2024, It depends on the context’. Harvard plunges into roiling debate about what is considered antisemitism, Boston Globe, Mike Damiano and Hilary Burns
January 26, 2024, War, antisemitism and free speech: A critical dilemma, Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), Ben Cohen
January 22, 2024, Kenneth Stern: IHRA-Definition in Berlin missbraucht, Berliner Zeitung, Susanne Lenz
January 19, 2024 (Winter Edition), The Courage of Eric Ward, Moment Magazine, Jennifer Bardi
December 30, 2023, Eradicating Hate Begins With Young People, Richmond Pulse, Joe Porrello
December 22, 2023, Can Colleges Protect Jewish Students?, Chronicle of Higher Education, Katherine Mangan and Maggie Hicks
December 15, 2023, New Study Highlights Campus Antisemitism ‘Hot Spots’, Insider Higher Ed, Jessica Blake
December 14, 2023, Republican-controlled House Committee Claims Millions Support the Violent Ideology of Aryan Nations, Southern Poverty Law Center, Travis McAdam and Rachel Carroll Rivas
December 14, 2023, Israel-Hamas War Brings Controversy to US Campuses, VOA, Robin Guess
December 10, 2023, Solutions to Violence Podcast with guest Ken Stern, Forward Radio
December 8, 2023, Kenneth Stern interviewed on CNN International’s One World with Zain Asher and Bianna Golodryga
December 7, 2023, The Fallout: What the Antisemitism Hearing Could Mean for Higher Education, Katherine Knott, Inside Higher Ed
December 6, 2023, Pro-Palestinian Students Demand Divestment From Israel, Johanna Alonoso, Inside Higher Ed
November 16, 2023, Expert Tackles Hate in UM Lecture, Corbin Vanderby Montana Kaimin
November 12, 2023, Free Speech is Hard, Beau Everett, Medium
November 10, 2023, SJP Still Deserves Freedom of Speech, Nadine Strossen and Kenneth S. Stern, SAPIR
November 8, 2023, “We have to hold hope.’ How Jewish-Palestinian families cope” Sarah Matusek, Christian Science Monitor
November 4, 2023, When It Comes to Israel, Who Decides What You Can and Can’t Say?, Michelle Goldberg, New York Times
November 4, 2023, The Antisemitism Awareness Act and the IHRA definition are the wrong solutions to real problems, Steve Sheffey
October 29, 2023, Amid Gaza war, donors pull cash as US universities tolerate student support for terror, Cathryn J. Prince, Times of Israel
October 27, 2023, Israel-Hamas war stirs free speech battles at college campuses across US, Alia Wong, Deborah Barfield Berry, Zachary Schermele and Thao Nguyen, USA Today
October 26, 2023, Ken Stern on Hate and Antisemitism (podcast), A New Angle, PRX
October 23, 2023, A Catholic University Welcome Mat for Jewish Students Feeling Embattled, Inside Higher Ed, Sara Weissman
October 19, 2023, College students facing backlash after Israel-Palestine protests, NBC Nightly News (interviewed by Jacob Ward).
October 16, 2023, How should universities have responded to Hamas attacks?, Nathan Greenfield, University World News
October 12, 2023, Greater Boston, GBH News, How should colleges handle debates over the Israel-Hamas conflict?
October 11, 2023, Colleges Draw Criticism for Slow Response to Hamas Attacks, Johanna Alonso, Inside Higher Ed
August 25, 2023, Book on Princeton Syllabus Sparks Conflict, Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed
August 21, 2023, What Does the ADL Stand for Today?, Eric Alterman, The New Republic
July 7, 2023, SEN. ED SETZLER: Getting serious about antisemitism, Marietta Daily Journal.
July 1, 2023, Academic Freedom, Boycotts and Democracy, Kenneth Stern, University of the Pacific Law Review, Volume 54
May 18, 2023, The Right and Wrong Ways for US Officials to Approach the Fight Against Antisemitism, Dylan J. Williams, J Street
May 18, 2023, Preaching Tolerance Abroad, as Hatred Surges at Home, Elizabeth Williamson, New York Times
May 10, 2023, New York State Unity Summit (Gov. Kathy Hockul)
May 3, 2023, Jewish Americans Speak Out About Living With Antisemitism, As told to Jane Eisner, AARP Magazine.
April 5, 2023, Speaker Outlines Difficulties of Defining Antisemitism, Julia Gentin, The Amherst Student
April 4, 2023, The ADL’s Antisemitism Findings, Explained. Mari Cohen, Jewish Currents
March 29, 2023, Examining the True Cost of Hate Crimes, Hudson Valley Press
March 24, 2023, Campus leaders react to growing antisemitic vandalism, harassment, Danielle McLean, Higher Education Dive
March 19, 2023, New Study Measures Annual Cost of Hate Crimes WAMC interview with Michael Martell
January 13, 2023, Sea Change or Small Step Toward Interreligious Inclusion?, Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed
December 15, 2022, Statement before ABA International Law Section Council
November 25, 2022, Both pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students feel under siege on campus. Who’s right?, Canadian Jewish News podcast Bonjour Chai
November 3, 2022, A closer look at 2022’s Take Action Against Hate Award recipients, Madeline Ricks, The Gonzaga Bulletin
October 26, 2022, Why Do We Hate Each Other?, Sara Weissman, Inside Higher Ed
October 14, 2022, In Internal Memo, American Jewish Committee Blasts Op-Ed on “Jewish-Free Zones” at Berkeley Law, Mari Cohen, Jewish Currents
October 6, 2022, Gonzaga Center for the Study of Hate announces 2022 Lassman “Take Action Against Hate Awards” Gonzaga University Press Release
October 3, 2022, Congress offers blunt message on antisemitism, hate: ‘We’re losing’, Alexander Nazaryan, Yahoo News
October 3, 2022, Anti-hate experts call on feds to step up against rising antisemitism, Dana DiFilippo, New Jersey Monitor
October 3, 2022, Written Testimony of Kenneth Stern before US House Homeland Security Committee
October 3, 2022, Oral Testimony of Kenneth Stern before US House Homeland Security Committee
September 12, 2022, Bard gives award for helping fight Taliban’s hate, Quin Hillyer, Washington Examiner
September 1, 2022, Yes it may hurt, but campus groups have the right to exclude Zionists, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
July 27, 2022, USC Faces Investigation Over Alleged Student Harassment, Liam Know, Inside Higher Ed
June 3, 2022, Conversations Across Difference, Sara Weismann, Inside Higher Ed
May 26, 2022, 8 tips to help journalists cover antisemitism — and avoid inadvertently perpetuating antisemitic stereotypes, Jordon Fenster, The Journalist’s Resource
May 18, 2022, Random upsurge in right-wing insurgency proves there’s nothing new under the sun, Gregg Reese, Our Weekly (Los Angeles)
April 26, 2022, Three States Push to Curb Pro-Palestine Activism, Isaac Scher, Jewish Currents
March 11, 2022, Hate’s legacy: Neo-Nazi group adopts language, iconography of the past in North Idaho, prompting human rights response, Kip Hill, Spokesman Review
February 28, 2022, G.O.P. Leaders Condemn Lawmakers’ Appearance at White Nationalist Conference, Jonathan Weisman and Annie Karni, New York Times
February 12, 2022, The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate, Kenneth Stern, The Honest Critique (YouTube)
February 8, 2022, Conflict Over the Conflict, Kenneth Stern, Eureka Street
January 25, 2022, Antisemitism rests on intent not motive. It’s clear from the IHRA Definition, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
January 6, 2022, Local politics have taken on a new tone in Maine since Jan. 6 Capitol riot, Lia Russell, Bangor Daily News
December 17, 2021, Robert Siegel, formerly of NPR, interviews Kenneth Stern (and others) about rising antisemitism.
December 8, 2021, Report of the University of Toronto Anti-Semitism Working Group.
September 29, 2021, State of Hate Index Released by Bard Center, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
July 27, 2021, Biden’s Pick for Antisemitism Envoy Will Need to Answer These Tough Questions. Kenneth Stern, The Forward
June 14, 2021, Anti-Zionism, Antisemitism, and the Fallacy of Bright Lines, Kenneth Stern, The Institute for National Security Studies
June 2, 2021, New surge in attacks on Jews raises old question: How do we fight antisemitism? Mya Jaradat, Deseret News
May 25, 2021, HATE! Why it’s so prevalent in our society and what can we do about it. Kenneth Stern in Episode 7 of “Giving Insights” podcast of Strategic Philanthropies.
May 12, 2021, BCSH written submission to the UK Parliament Human Rights (Joint Committee)’s inquiry, Freedom of Expression accepted and published.
April 28, 2021, Panel on IHRA Antisemitism Definition Rankles, Jesse Bernstein, The Jewish Exponent
March 11, 2021, Interview with Kenneth Stern and Nadine Strossen, The Philanthropy Roundtable
March 10, 2021, The recent upsurge in right-wing insurgency just proves there’s nothing new under the sun, Gregg Reese, OurWeekly
March 4, 2021, How to debate BDS on campus? Jonathan Marks says be reasonable, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
February 10, 2021, We disagree about the working definition. That’s ok. Here’s what’s not. Kenneth Stern, The Times of Israel
January 26, 2021, Thirty-nine words about antisemitism are splitting the Jewish community, Arno Rosenfeld, The Forward
January 25, 2021, How to Fight Anti-Semitism: The most common answers focus on hate crimes law and education Here are nine others, by Kenneth Stern,
January 22, 2021, What Zoom Does to Campus Conflicts Over Israel and Free Speech, John Leland, New York Times
January 19, 2021, Can America inoculate against the dire threat of ‘us vs. them’?, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
January 15, 2021, The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism and why people are fighting over it, explained, Ben Sales, Forward
January 11, 2021, A Fraught Balancing Act, Greta Anderson, Inside Higher Education
January 4, 2021, We Need Better Ways to Speak to Each Other about Campus Antisemitism and Israel, Kenneth Stern, JewThink(UK)
December 24, 2020, “How do we deal with white supremacy moving forward? A hate expert has some thoughts.” Interview with Kenneth Stern on 2020 Talks, Pacifica Network and Public News Service
December 14, 2020, How Experts Say Biden Should Respond to The Last Four Years of Rising Antisemitism, Arno Rosenfeld, The Forward
December 10, 2020, Jewish Federations Urge Biden to Promote Controversial Definition of Antisemitism, Mari Cohen, Jewish Currents
December 9, 2020, Steering the Biden Administration Wrong on Antisemitism, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
December 7, 2020, Get Smart: A Review of Kenneth Stern’s “The Conflict over The Conflict,” Jonathan Marks, Minding The Campus
November 26, 2020, Critical Thinking on Israel, not Coddling, Needed for Jewish University Students: Expert, Steve Arnold, Canadian Jewish Record
November 23, 2020 Zionism is not racism; BDS Isn’t Always Antisemitism, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
November 23, 2020 US listing of BDS as anti-Semitic sparks freedom-of-speech debate, Ephrem Kossaify, Arab News
October 16, 2020 Examined Zionism: Mira Sucharov and Belonging, Kenneth Stern, Times of Israel
September 7, 2020 If Trump Wins — Or Loses — Expect More Right-Wing Violence, Stewart Ain, Forward
June 23, 2020, Efforts to Curb Online Hate Meet Concerns Over Free Speech, Stewart Ain, Jewish Week
May 26, 2020, Coronavirus: In the United States, far-right and conspirators in ambush, Thomas Seymat, Euronews
April 21, 2020, Is the crisis on college campuses over Israel overblown? Amy Spiro, Jewish Insider
April 11, 2020, “What Is The Relationship Between Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism?” Pairagraph conversation between Shany Mor and Kenneth Stern
March 1, 2020, Stifling free speech isn’t necessary to combat anti-Semitism, Elizabeth Heineman, Des Moines Register
January 14, 2020, A Conversation with Kenneth S. Stern, ShelfAwareness
January 14, 2020, Columbia Complaint Tests Limits of Anti-Zionist Speech, Stewart Ain, New York Jewish Week
January 9, 2020, The Scholar Who Wrote the Definition of Anti-Semitism Says It’s Been Subverted, Eric Cortellessa, Times of Israel
December 19, 2019, White House Explains to Haaretz How Its anti-Semitism Executive Order Will Work in Practice, Amir Tibon, Haaretz
December 19, 2019, Ken Stern and Rabbi Andrew Baker on the origins of the IHRA definition on antisemitism and its application today,JI Staff, Jewish Insider
December 17, 2019Trump Targets Anti-Semitism: ‘Game Changer’ Or ‘Disaster’?, Stewart Ain, NY Jewish Week
December 16, 2019, Trump’s Anti-Semitism Executive Order Undermines Campus Free Speech, Tyler Coward, National Review.
December 16, 2019 What Trump’s Executive Order Means for Anti-Semitism in the U.S., The Takeaway, WNYC, with Kenneth Stern and Yair Rosenberg
December 13, 2019 I Drafted the Definition, Rightwing Jews are Weaponizing It by Kenneth S. Stern, Guardian
December 11, 2019 Interview with Kenneth Stern on CBS radio in Los Angeles (at 8:59)
December 11, 2019 Trump is Not Defining Antisemitism Correctly, Says Author of Antisemitism Definition, Noah Kulwin, The
November 8, 2019 Strong democracy is essential to combating forms of hate, antisemitism expert says, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill College of Arts and Science
October 25, 2019, Anti-Semitic Crimes on the Rise in the U.S. (interview of Kenneth Stern), tv
October 21, 2019, Hate expert Kenneth Stern talks about anti-Semitism in Jewish Lecture Series, by Rachel Sawicki, The Review
October 17, 2019, Revealed: rightwing push to ban criticism of Israel on US campuses, by Ed Pilkington, The Guardian
October 15, 2019, Anti-Semitism, Bard and Me, byTamar Wyschogrod, Times of Israel
October 14, 2019, Anti-Semitism At the Bard Conference? When Early Reports Don’t Tell the Whole Story about a Protest, by Jeffrey C. Isaac, Public Seminar
October 14, 2019, Batya Ungar-Sargon links anti-Zionists to David Duke and synagogue murders, by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
October 14, 2019, What Really Happened at Bard College? by Mairav Zonszein, Jewish Currents
October 13, 2019, I Was at the Bard Anti-Semitism Panel, and Saw Deep Disagreement, not Singling Out of Jews, by Kenneth S. Stern, Forward
September 20, 2019, Bard College Receives $165,000 Grant for Center Focused on Combating Hate, by Sarah Wood, Diverse Issues in Higher Education.
September 12, 2019, Bard Has New Award for Beth Rickey, Heroine Against Hate by Quin Hillyer, Washington Examiner.
August 7, 2019 There’s an old word for Trump’s brand of nationalism: “Hatriotism” by Samuel G. Freedman, Guardian
July 27, 2019 Is B.D.S. Anti-Semitic? A Closer Look at the Boycott Israel Campaign by David M. Halbfiner, Michael Wines, and Steve Erlanger (NY Times)
Summer, 2019 Antisemitism Through a Hate Studies Lens by Kenneth S. Stern (Peace Chronicle — page 30)
July 18, 2019 Fighting Antisemitism on Campus by Larry Yudelson (Jewish Standard)
June 20, 2019 Jewish Trademark on Concentration Campus? (TTN blog)
June 11, 2019 Anti-Semitism Expert Offers Best Practices for Combating Hate, by Martin Raffel (New Jersey Jewish News)
May 29, 2019, Defining anti-Semitism:A conversation with Kenneth Stern on the Greatest Threats to the Jews, by Martin Raffel (New Jersey Jewish News)
May 5, 2019, Holocaust Remembrance Day Honors the Millions Lost (Spectrum News)
April 4, 2019 Inland Journal, Gonzaga Hate Studies Conference (Spokane Public Radio)
April 3, 2019 Gonzaga Hosts International Conference on Hate Studies (Spokane Public Radio)
February 20, 2019 How an Oscar Nominee Went From Chronicling Cory Booker to Nazis, And Back Again (Los Angeles Times, by John Anderson)
January 30, 2019 When Nazis Came To Madison Square Garden (Jewish Journal, by Kenneth Stern)
January 25, 2019 Twitter Joins World Jewish Congress to Raise Holocaust Awareness.
December 23, 2108 New Bard College Center Seeks to Study Hate, Bigotry (Daily Freeman)
December 9, 2018 The Relevance of the 1948 Genocide Convention Today (by Elizabeth Rosner and Kenneth Stern)
December 8, 2018 The End of Tolerance (In Psychology Today, by Pamela Paresky)
November 21, 2018 Kenneth Stern Talks about Bard Center for the Study of Hate (YouTube via Daily Freeman)
November 15, 2018 FBI Data Shows Plenty of Vandalism, Little Violence Against U.S. Jews (The Forward)
November 5, 2018 The Political Power of Hate (by Kenneth S. Stern in the Hannah Arendt Center blog)
November 5, 2018 After Pittsburgh, Jewish Groups’ First Fight Is Against BDS, Not White Nationalism (The Forward)
October 30, 2018 Kenneth Stern Named Director of Bard Center for the Study of Hate (Daily Freeman)
October 16, 2018 Bard College Creates Center for the Study of Hate (Daily Freeman)
Press Releases
September 12, 2023, Angéla Kóczé Receives 2023 Beth Rickey Award from the Bard Center for the Study of Hate
September 6, 2023, Bard Center for the Study of Hate Publishes Updated Measures of Hate By State in the U.S.
March 14, 2023, Bard Center for the Study of Hate Releases New Publication on the Economic Costs of Hate Crimes
September 12, 2022, Bard Center for the Study of Hate Announces Danielle Riou as Winner of the Beth Rickey Award
March 10. 2022, Bard Center for Study of Hate Announces Affiliation with Nexus Task Force
September 13, 2021 New Study Published By the Bard Center for the Study of Hate Creates New Measure for the Study and Understanding of Hate in the United States
September 20, 2019 Bard College’s Center for the Study of Hate Receives Major Grant from GS Humane Corp.
March 16, 2019 Joint Statement By Academic Centers for the Study of Hate in the Aftermath of the Terror Attack in New Zealand
October 25, 2018 Bard College Names Kenneth S. Stern Director of Its New Center for the Study of Hate
October 15, 2018 Bard College Establishes Center for the Study of Hate