Hate Studies Syllabi

The Bard Center for the Study of Hate is thankful to academics from around the world who have shared  syllabi about hate for this database. Our hope is that professors will find inspiration, new materials, and ideas from other disciplines for their teaching and research. If you would like to add your syllabus, or know a faculty member who might, please email [email protected].

(BCSH also archives here two resources that might be useful for classes that address how Jewish students with strongly diverse opinions on Israel can have rational conversations about antisemitism from students at Brown University, and also a chapter from “The Conflict over The Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Debate,” focusing on how humans seek certainty, simplicity, and binary thinking around such hot-button “us” vs “them” issues.


The Coalition of the Future: How we combat white nationalism and weave the fabric of democracy (a course in practice) — Simon Greer, Megan Black, Oberlin College, Fall 2021


Propaganda, Disinformation, and Hate Speech (HRTS/ANTH 3230 &ANTH 530) — Richard Wilson, University of Connecticut, Fall 2020


Hate Speech (COMM 624) — Michael Waltman, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,  Spring 2019


FR2311 Africa: Colonialism to Continental Crisis — Caroline Williamson Sinalo, University College Cork

FR4311 Trauma and Narrative in the Francophone World — Caroline Williamson Sinalo, University College Cork


Antisemitism, Past and Present — Polly Zavadivker, University of Delaware, Fall 2018

Antisemitism Exercise — Henry Greenspan, University of Michigan

White Power Movements and Ideology — C. Richard King, Columbia College

Antisemitism — C. Richard King, Columbia College, Spring 2019

HIST S-1572 Holocaust in History, Literature and Film — Kevin Madigan, Harvard Divinity School, Summer 2019

HIST 190: Understanding the ‘Jewish Question’ In History, President Leon Botstein, Bard College, Spring 2024


Connections 255: Why We Hate — Matthew Hoffman, Franklin & Marshall, Spring 2018

2014 Bard College Network classes on Hate: Four classes looking through different foci, but with coordinated readings and exercises. Man As Monster: An Explanation of the Causes and Manifestations of Hate, Stephanie Saldana and Rebecca Granato  (Al-Quds Bard College); Great Hatred: Little Room: Contested Ireland/Island, Peter Gadsby, Deirdre d’Albertis (Bard Annandale); Hate and Revolution, Ewa Atanassow (Bard Berlin); and The Nature of Hate, An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Galina Gorborukova and Elena Kim (Bard/American University of Central Asia)

Model Syllabus for the Study of Hate — Bard Center for the Study of Hate, 2019

Antisemitism: Anatomy of a Hatred — Kenneth Stern, Bard College, 2016

The Challenge of Discussing Issues Wrapped in Identity, Morality and/or Justice — Bard Center for the Study of Hate, model syllabus, 2019

INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (see also Political Science)

The Far Right in Western Democracies  — Cas Mudde, University of Georgia, Fall 2018

LAW (Crime)

Antisemitic Discrimination and “Other” Hate Crimes in Court —  Reut Yael Paz, Berlin Institute of Technology, Fall 2020

Antisemitism and the Law — Bard Center for the Study of Hate, Model Syllabus, 2019

Hate Crimes — Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld, California State University, Stanislaus, Fall 2018

Hate Crime — Valerie Jenness, University of California, Irvine, Summer 2018

Current Issues in the Law: Hate Crimes, Bernard Haggerty, Fairhaven College, Winter 2010

Law and Religion — Reut Yael Paz, Berlin Institute of Technology, Fall 2020

Skokie: Free Speech and Community —  a module by Ryan Coonerty, University of California, Santa Cruz


The Literature of Hate — Danielle Christmas, UNC Chapel Hill , Fall 2019


Advance Topics in Philosophy and Law — Amy Baehr, Hofstra, Fall 2007


The Holocaust — Arnold Leder, Texas State University

The Politics of Extremism — Arnold Leder, Texas State University

Hate, Violence and Pornography: Legal, Political and Ethical Considerations — Raphael Cohen-Almagor, University of Hull, 2014-2015

Is There A Limit? Violence and Crime on the Internet — Raphael Cohen-Almagor, University of Hull, 2011-2012

Media, Politics and Ethics — Raphael Cohen-Almagor, University of Hull, 2013-2014


Psychology of Forgiveness (Psyc 185) — Loren Toussaint, Luther College, January 2019

PSY 3337: Psychology of Prejudice, Discrimination & Hate — Randall E. Osborne, Texas State University, Fall 2018

Psychology 3750: The Psychology of Hate — Toni Bisconti — University of Akron, Fall 2018


Prejudice and Discrimination: Psychological Causes and Policy Implications — Jack Glaser, Berkeley, Spring 2018


E 4200/5200 The Ethics of Power and Racial Justice — Dawn M. Nothwehr, Catholic Theological Union, Spring 2019

RELI 305 Religion and Violence  — John Sheveland, Gonzaga University, Fall 2018


SOC 437/537 Race and Ethnic Relations — Dwaine E. Plaza , Oregon State University

SOC 499/599 African American Resistance in the Era of Donald Trump — Dwaine Plaza & Marilyn Stewart, Oregon State University, Winter 2019

Women of Color  — Dianne Dentice, Stephen F. Austin State University, Fall 2018

American White Nationalism — Dianne Dentice, Stephen F. Austin State University, Spring 2019

Extremism in American Society  (with schedule of assignments) —  Kristin Haltinner, University of Idaho, Spring 2019

Sociology of Antisemitism — Arnold Dashefsky, University of Connecticut, Fall 2019

BCSH thanks two students who worked on this database: Anna DeRosa of Bard College and Louise Sullivan of Gonzaga University. We are also thankful to Kristine Hoover and our other colleagues at the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies for establishing an earlier version of this database.